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Tides of the Desert Africa Praehistorica 14 Edited by: Jennerstrasse 8. Heinrich Barth Institut, Köln, 2002 Contents
1 | Jennerstrasse 8 - The Editors, Eine Festschrift Für Rudolph Kuper | 12 |
Wissenschaftliche Biographie Rudolph Kuper | 15 | |
Schriftenverzeichnis Rudolph Kuper | 16 | |
2 | Desmond Clark+, A Note of Appreciation of Rudolph Kuper's Research in the Western Desert of Egypt and on Holocene and Earlier Localities and Problems needing Investigation | 19 |
3 | Jens Lüning, Ä3 ruft Ä1 - Ganz persönliche Eindrücke bei einer Ägyptenreise mit Rudolph Kuper | 21 |
4 | Pierre M. Vermeersch, The Egyptian Nile Valley during the Early Holocene | 27 |
5 | Baldur Gabriel, Neolithic Camp Sites in the Sahara - Anticipation of Future Research | 41 |
6 | Klaus Bokelmann, Einige Libyan-Desert-Glass-Artefakte des Atérien aus der Glass Area in Südwest-Ägypten | 67 |
7 | Joachim Hahn+, Ein Klingendepot am Djebel Kamil (Ägypten) | 75 |
8 | Birgit Gehlen, Karin Kindermann, Jörg Linstädter and Heiko Reimer, The Holocene Occupation of the Eastern Sahara: Regional Chronologies and Supra-regional Developments in four Areas in the Absolute Desert | 85 |
9 | Romuald Schild, Michal Kobusiewicz, Fred Wendorf, Joel D. Irish, Jacek Kabacinski and Halina Królik, Gebel Ramlah Playa (Egypt) | 117 |
10 | Klaus Peter Kuhlmann, The "Oasis Bypath" or The Issue of Desert Trade in Pharaonic Times | 125 |
11 | Wim Van Neer and Steven E. Sidebotham, Animal Remains from the fourth-sixth Century AD Military Installations near Abu Sha'ar at the Red Sea Coast (Egypt) | 171 |
12 | Lech Krzyzaniak, Early Khartoum Pottery from Kadero | 199 |
13 | Jacques Reynold, Néolithique du Soudan central et de Haute Nubie - données sur le matérial céramique | 203 |
14 | Brigitte Gratien, La fin du royaume Kerma - la situation dans l'arriere-pays | 219 |
15 | Isabella Ganeva, Second Milleneum BC Pastoral Cultures in the Nile Valley: The Gosts of the Khartoum Province? | 231 |
16 | Werner Schuck, Steinzeitliche Gräber im Wadi Shaw (Nordsudan) | 239 |
17 | Christian Simon+, Roland Menk+ and Christiane Kramar, The Human Remains from Wadi Shaw (Sudan) - A Study of Physical Anthroplogy and Paleopathology | 257 |
18 | Friederike Jesse and Birgit Keding, Death in the Desert - Burials in the Wadi Howar Region (Eastern Sahara) | 277 |
19 | Wilfried Henke, Erik Becker und Michael Stang, Menschliche Skelettreste aus dem Wadi Howar (Sudan) - voräuflige anthrolpologische Befunde | 295 |
20 | Werner Schön, Survey before GPS - Some Remarks on Archaeological Sites on the Northern Bank of the Middle Wadi Howar (Sudan) | 313 |
21 | Hubert Berke, An Unusual Fireplace in the Middle Wadi Howar (Sudan) | 321 |
22 | Joris Peters, Nadja Pöllath and Angela von den Driesch, Ichtyological Diversity in the Holocene Paleodrainage Systems of Western Nubia | 325 |
23 | Achilles Gautier, Veerle Linseele and Wim Van Neer, The Fauna of the Early Khartoum Occupation on Jebel Umm Marrahi (Khartoum Province, Sudan) | 325 |
24 | Horst Hagedorn, Auf den Spuren Gustav Nachtigals im Borku-Berglang (Tschad) | 347 |
25 | Eberhard Klitzsch, Der Wasser der Wüste - ein kurzer Bezug zur Besiedlungsgeschichte einer Wüste und zu deren Zukunft | 357 |
26 | Bernd Meissner mit einem Beitrag von Ulla Ripke, Kartierung entlegener Regionen - Chancen und Risiken der Weiterentwicklung der Kartiermethoden durch Fernerkundung und navigationsgestütztes GIS-Management | 363 |
27 | Nicole Petit-Maire, Large Interglacial lakes in the Saharo-Arab Desert Belt | 371 |
28 | Philipp Hoelzmann, Lacustrine Sediments as indicators of Climate Change during the Late Quaternary in Western Nubia (Eastern Sahara) | 375 |
29 | Helga Besler with a contribution by Alexandra Hilgers, The Formation of Artefact-stabilized Dunes near Lower Wadi Howar (Sudan) | 389 |
30 | Ginette Aumassip, Les formations quaternaires du secteur de Tin Hanakaten (Tassili n Ajjer, Algérie) | 399 |
31 | Stefan Kröpelin, Damage to Natural and Cultural Heritage by Petroleum Exploration and Desert Tourism in the Messak Settafet (Central Sahara, Southwest Libya) | 405 |
32 | John Alexander, The Global Significance of African Civilisation | 427 |
33 | Lutz Fiedler, Artefakte, Denken und Kultur | 437 |
34 | Andrew B. Smith, The Pastoral Landscape in Saharan Prehistory | 447 |
35 | Angela E. Close, Sinai, Sahara, Sahel: The Introduction of Domestic Caprines to Africa | 459 |
36 | Karim Sadr, Ancient Pastoralists in the Sudan and in South Africa | 471 |
37 | Hans Back, "Jouets chameau" - Steinartefakte der Nomadenkinder | 485 |
38 | Peter Breunig & Katharina Neumann, Continuity or Discontinuity The 1st Millenium BC-Crisis in West African Prehistory | 491 |
39 | Manfred Eggert, Southern Cameroun and the Settlement of the Equatorial Rainforest: Early Ceramics from Fieldwork in 1997 and 1998-99 | 507 |
40 | Jürgen Richter, The Giraffe People: Namibia's Prehistoric Artists | 523 |
41 | Ralf Vogelsang, Rock Art in the Kaokoland? | 535 |
42 | Tilman Lenssen-Enz, Art for Art's Sake in Rock Art Research - On the Ethics of Archaeological Documentation | 549 |