
BALBO, Italo
Diadalmas szárnyak

(Victorious wings)

First Edition 1934

The account of the second Reggia Aeronautica ocean flight, crossing the North Atlantic to the USA, translated by Gáspár Miklós. Like all other titles in the 10 volume 1934 series, it exists in both Classic III. and Classic IV. full cloth bindings. An 1934 owner's inscription in a Classic IV. version confirms the two were simultaneously available. It is also known in a rare hybrid Classic III/IV binding, with only the globe having a blue infill. It also appeared later in the Classic IV. half-cloth binding, it is unclear if this latter was a new edition in the early forties, or simply a reprint of the first one. A dust jacket must have existed for all versions, but no surviving one is known.

First Edition

none none  
Half Title Frontspiece Title Contents  

Cover variants (with endpaper pattern if available)

Clasic III. Clasic III/IV. hybrid Clasic IV. (full cloth) Clasic IV. (half cloth)